2007 ChildReach Peru Video

Friday, August 22, 2008

ChildReach Ministries- Treasure Hunters!!

Wow! I have just picked up a couple of new books to read. One of them is called "Hope Lives" by Amber Van Schooneveld. I have just started reading it today. Here is a summary of what God revealed to me this morning...

Let's go treasure hunting!!

A couple of weeks ago while I was on vacation (while Andrew was napping), I remember watching a short documentary about a sunken treasure ship (sorry, but I don't remember the name) and how a group of people have spent years and their life searching for this treasure....and they have found some treasure spread across and beneath the ocean floor. They have found gold chains, coins, etc. The documentary followed some people that spend their vacation every year and they go diving for treasure. After a week of dives (getting wet and dirty by digging on the ocean floor) they are lucky to find a gold coin or a small token of their efforts.

The author today stated that there are nearly 1.2 billion people in the world living in extreme poverty on less than a dollar a day. Out of that there are thousands of children that are stricken by disease, poverty, abuse, and even abandoned. Each one a little treasure, knit together, inch by inch by God. Each one is a diamond that God has crafted to catch and reflect his light just so, but as I write this now....they have been kicked in the dirt, muddied, unrecognized, and abandoned.

Hope Lives!!
"Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. BUT TAKE HEART, (HOPE LIVES), because I have overcome the world." John 16:33

My prayer today is "God, please use me and ChildReach to not be afraid to get dirty and go searching for your beautiful diamonds (children), to rescue them, care for them, and love them, and raise them up to shine for you!"

Hannah's Hope (Lives)!!- What a fitting name. One day soon it will be filled with treasures.

Thank You for all of those that are a part of ChildReach! Let's continue to hunt for treasure! Will you continue to go with us?

What treasures does God have waiting for us and for Him to restore?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's been awhile!

Hey! I know. I know. It has been a while since I have posted anything for a long time. I am going to do a better job of posting things that are happening in my life and the life of ChildReach...